How to use AR (Augmented Reality) technology in cable accessories ad joints

Augmented Reality lets you experience digital content in the same way you experience the world. Have you thought about how that works for the electric power industry?

Ivan Jovanovic, a Director of Engineering at G&W Electric, together with Arie Makovoz from Con Ed, explored the applications for cable terminations and joints in a research paper, featured in Revue De L’Electricite. The prestigious French magazine selected their study as one of the top five articles, out of hundreds, to be published in issue 5 from 2019. This paper explores the opportunity of using Augmented Reality (AR) technology to maintain power cable terminations and joints, train field engineers and technicians, and digitize installation procedures and quality assurance processes.

To demonstrate the functionality, we recorded videos of the pilot project that walk you through the convenience of using AR technology. Some of the benefits discovered in the application include improved safety, more precise installation, and reduced time and costs for training.

Access the AR research paper and videos by filling out the form below.